Video Conversions
Convert your old video tapes into a digital format for use on mobile phones, laptops, DVD players, desktop computer, smart TV or an external hard drive.
Video tapes degrade of the years and will become unwatchable.
VHS, VHS-C, Video 8, mini DV tapes can all be saved to digital files for safe keeping.
After your video is converted you can edit the digital footage yourself or
use our professional video editing service.
Need more information ?
Call (001) 506 396 2591 or send an online message from the Contact Page.
Photos, Slides & Negative Conversions
Convert your photos, slides or old negatives into digital formats that can be used for prints or viewed on your computer or television/ DVD player. You can also use these formats to have your photos professionally printed or published to one of many social networking sites available today.
Photo restoration service available for old & damaged images.
Slide shows made for use on computer or DVD player.
Photo Gallery web sites to share images over the internet.
Save your photographs in a digital format for easy retrieval and printing.
Put images and slide shows on portable devices (iPods etc.).
Need more information ?
Call (001) 506 396 2591 or send an online message from the Contact Page.

Audio Conversions
Convert your old vinyl albums, 45s and 78s and
cassette tapes to high quality CD or MP3 audio formats
for portability and ease of use anywhere.
Need more information ?
Call (001) 506 396 2591 or send an online message from the Contact Page.
Document Scanning
We will scan your documents and convert them into a secure file format.
Make digital copies of important documents and certificates so they can be safely stored in a digital format.
On-site scanning service is available.
Need more information ?
Call (001) 506 396 2591 or send an online message from the Contact Page.
Save your precious memories forever with a digital back-up !
Call Now to get started (001) 506 396 2591
Inquiries and all services provided are Private and Confidential.